Investing may seem like a daunting task to undertake but it’s one of the most rewarding for those willing to educate themselves about what techniques, strategies, and resources provide the best return on investment.
Before you get too ahead of yourself and start dumping your money into stocks its best that you start with the basics. These basics can be found all over the Web and around your neighborhood. The following are but three of the ways you get start “getting good” with investing.
1. Blog and Social Media
You should have no trouble finding a wealth of information related to finance and investing if you take the time to search for it online. There are many blogs that cover a gamut of topics related to investing from the basics to advance.
Right here on you can find dozens of highly-informative articles on investing that can take you from beginner to a real player in the markets without the tedious hassle of sitting through a finance class. As an added bonus, social media and the communities built on these sites allows you to get in touch with others, like you, to discuss and support one another in their investing.
2. Conferences
Two great things come about when you attend conferences:
· You get insight from some of the best in the industry
· You get to mingle with some of the best in the industry
One such example is the IMCA conference that is held in Chicago (learn more at It’s at these types of conferences where you can attend panels and discussions from some of the brightest in the industries. Speakers from reputable schools and backgrounds in finance, economics, international affairs, and more.
The other bonus, as mentioned, is the fact that you can mingle with other attendees, speakers, and partner representatives. This will give you the chance to discuss investing strategies in a relaxed manner but still know everyone means business so it’s straight and to the point. You may also gain a few business cards and contacts which will come in handy for when you’re stumped as to where you’ll go with your investment options. It’s always great to have a support network.
3. Online Courses
Take what you would expect from a blog, condense it, and now you have a course. These courses on investing (whether they are in the form of a book, audio/video series, or memberships) can be a great way to learn investing from many reputable, authoritative experts. You may also find courses that are highly tailored to specific interests within investing which will allow you to cut through the noise and focus on the one area you wish to succeed.
Here are a few resources that provide courses:
· Udemy
· Coursera
· TD Ameritrade
For all its purposes – the Web will most likely be your best place to start learning about investing because it gives you the greatest amount of information with the least amount of pressure. However, once you feel comfortable with the terminology and concepts behind investing it would be recommended that you seek third-party help through professionals and legal practitioners to ensure you are moving in the right direction.
In all – dig around the Web to see what you can find, attend conferences to learn and mingle with people that may present unique opportunities, and invest your time into education through courses focused on investing.
These three basics are enough to get you started on the journey to good investing.