A personal loan can be a great solution to your existing financial requirements. But just getting a loan might not help. You are also recommended to save up on the loan repayments. In order to minimise the amount you repay, you need to find a loan with low interest rates. The process starts before you apply for one.
Before Applying for a Loan
Before you decide to opt for a personal loan, you need to consider few important things.
- How much amount are you looking for?
- Why do you want to take a loan?
- What is your current financial situation?
- How do you plan to repay your loan?
- What is your current credit score?
- What other lines of credit do you currently hold?
If you have a definite answer to all these questions, go ahead and begin your search for a loan package. The next step here is to find a loan with low interest rates, and a package that will suit your requirements perfectly.
How to Get a Low Interest Personal Loan?
Maintain a Good Credit Score
Your loan approval, interest rates, and your credibility depends upon one major factor; your credit score. The chances of getting a low-interest personal loan gets better with an excellent credit score. Banks and financial institutions check your credibility based on your 3-digit credit score.
If your score is on a higher-end, you can get a hassle-free loan approval with best interest rates. So, It is important for you to maintain a decent credit score. You can check your credit score online for free on numerous websites. Use these websites to get your score, and take necessary steps to improve it.
Research is the Key
It surely is. It is highly recommended that you research on your own to find the perfect deal for yourself. You can also take the help of the internet and online calculators to compare the best personal loans available in the market. There are multiple comparing sites available that will do the research for you according to your needs.
All you have to do is enter the amount you require, your monthly income, and the repayment tenure of your preference. These websites will filter the available options according to your requirements, and help you find the best loan scheme. You can compare the filtered choices on the basis of interest rates and other factors, such as processing fee, early settlements charge, and monthly repayment amount.
Understand the Effective Interest Rate
On your way to find a perfect personal loan package, you might come across a number of surprisingly low interest rates. But before you choose one, gain knowledge about the product and find the effective rate of interest associated with that loan. A loan scheme with a low interest range might have a higher effective interest rate.
For example, if you choose a longer tenure for your loan, the monthly repayment instalment amount may drop, but you have to repay more amount than you expect. Longer tenure does not always mean that you have to pay lower amount in total. Always check the facts associated with your loan before applying for it. Get an exact breakdown of a loan before deciding to apply for it.
Understand the Types of Interest Rates
Personal loans come with two types of interest rates; fixed and floating rates. A fixed interest rate stays the same throughout the entire tenure of the loan. This can keep your loan unaffected with the market fluctuations.
A floating or variable interest rate can prove to be beneficial if you’re intending to pay off the loan amount within a short term. Check both the fixed and variable rates, and choose the package accordingly.
Stay Updated on the Loan Promotions
Banks and institutions offering loans keep releasing promotions from time to time. In order to find the lowest interest rates, you need to keep a close eye on the promotions and offers released by these banks. Keep in mind that these promotional offers come with a limited period of validity. You can enjoy a lower rate of interest if you apply for a loan during this period.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Don’t compromise the loan tenure just to get a lower interest rate.
- Compare multiple loan packages.
- Take into account the charges, fees, and other requirements associated with a loan.
- Do not apply for loans with multiple banks.
- Make timely payments in order to avoid a drop in your credit score.
- Compare the approval time of each available personal loan.
- Keep your documents ready for the application process.
Finding a personal loan is not a difficult task nowadays with a range of lenders offering you high amount of funds. But finding one package that suits your requirements the best with low interest rates surely requires a level of dedication and research. Make a plan, research well, and take into account all market factors that affect the interest rate in order to find the best deal for your financing needs.
Sarah Taylor says
Earnest doesn’t offer the lowest interest rate of the bunch. However, its APR range of 5.49% to 18.24% makes it possible to get a low-interest personal loan even if your credit isn’t perfect.
Sharon Smith says
Going through this process will help you get the best possible rate for your situation. Plus, thanks to a lower interest rate, you’re more likely to save money on your personal loan in the long run.
Gregory - LAWMT says
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Tanya Gupta says
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