My husband has taken the week off from work, so we are having an RV staycation. It is more for him to stay sane and not have to deal with high school level drama at work than anything.
But today, we decided we’d go around and enjoy a nice sunny day. Coronado has just reopened the beaches, you can walk, run, cycle around, but you can’t sit and have a picnic on the beach.
We stopped by In-N-Out for some double double burger goodness, and ate in a park of old town. We rarely eat out or do anything, so it felt like a special day.
Not helping with all the overindulgence on the food side, but in the afternoon we did a 9 mile loop, him running me cycling, around Coronado Island.
This place is so gorgeous, it has magnificent houses and almost eveyone takes great care of their yard and place. Just cycling around and commenting on local real estate and details we’d like if we had two millions to afford a place around there was pretty fun.
I am looking forward to a week of peace at home, not having to hear about all that work nonsense.
I wish we could have kept the days off for after the crisis, so we could go visit his family in Florida, mine in France, or spend time in Guatemala, but the people at work have decided that working shifts, or a week on, a week off, like they are doing on nearby bases, would be like giving you time off, and I guess someone at the top got jealous and decided if he’s going to sit at his desk, so should everybody.
So we’re spending the days off for sanity, and we’ll find a way to visit friends and family later.
I thought about doing a night in the desert, but we can’t move the RV, as the campground wouldn’t let us in again. So it would have to be just with the truck, sleep at the back or pitch a tent, and since we’re paying $40 a night for a comfy campground on the beach, it sort of feels weird to do that.
Plus, we’d be going places where we don’t know the local rules. Like while Coronado reopened the beach, National City next door imposes masks to everyone even on the streets, not just in stores.